


Hi guys, this is Minghao Zhang, aka Tiger / 2LalA. I am an graduate scientist at Cambridge.
ButterAddict is not only the title of my leisure blogging site, but also a life philosophy.

Statistical Mechanics Applications
Langmuir adsorptionTo illustrate the difference in choices of ensembles. Canonical ensembleFind the partition function from the number of ways to distribute \Omega(N)=\frac{M!}{N!(M-N)!}\\ \implies Q=\frac{M!}{N!(M-N)!}\exp(\beta N\epsilon)With Stirling’s approximation, chemical potential can be...
Statistical Mechnics Fundamentals
Fundamental ideaThink about thermodynamicsThe observable properties of systems containing very large numbers of particles depend only on specifying a few macroscopic properties - internal energy, temperature, volume, pressure, density, etc. Most experiments measure averaged properties - over many...
Diffraction Methods in Chemistry
Rigorous maths is not essential for the sake of this course, so that will only be added later if required. DiffractionGeometry Symbol Meaning \mathbf{r} Position \mathbf{s_0} Unit vector of incident beam \mathbf{s} Unit vector of diffracted beam \mathbf{S=(s-s_0)}/\lambda Scattering ...
It should be obvious but 主题是针对英国。如果没有了解政府进入Stage II的措施以及理由,在最后附了摘要。(Credit: LZH) 为什么不在质疑一个人“为什么不”之前,如果你没有站在他的立场上思考一下为什么不,那这个质疑是极不负责任的。 一场瘟疫面前,政府为什么不轻举妄动的理由很多,大家也都能慢慢看到了。最近的例子,美国一封闭欧洲的航班,DJI就暴跌10%。这说明从经济上看,任何的封闭性措施,至少在大多数人(资本)看来,在短期内都会对经济造成更加负面的、极其严重的影响。 同样的,在其他方面,任何措施对国家、社会的影响都不可小觑。多少小企业就此破产、多少投资...
Symmetry in chemistry
Cambridge Part II B7 course. RepresentationsThe representation matrix of an operation is defined with a left contraction \hat{R}\phi_i=\sum_j \phi_j D_{ji}(R).Great Orthogonality TheoremIf \Gamma_a and \Gamma_b are two irreducible unitary representations, then their representation matrices satis...
Synthesis with enolate
A brief note on the use of enolates in syntheses. Enolate alkylationCondition overviewBy electrophile Electrophile type Conditions Note Activated R-X Best with enamines1. \ce{R2NH},\ \rm{cat\ }\ce{H+}2. \ce{R-X}3. \ce{H+} Tertiary R-X Lewis acid to form cation\ce{TiCl4}, TMS enol ether ...
High Resolution Spectroscopy
Updated to electronic spectroscopies. Interaction of molecules with radiation n i n j Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG. Three types of interactions Absorption Stimulated emission Spontaneous ...
Essential Thermodynamics
Essential Thermodynamics - summary of Cambridge IA chemistry TD course. Laws First Law: dU =\delta q+ \delta w \label{td1}\tag{1} Second Law: entropy of the Universe increases in a spontaneous process. Entropy is classically defined as dS=\frac{\delta q_{rev}}{T}. \tag{2}\label{entropy}​ ...
【学年最佳餐厅】La Pause de Pierrette
让对滑雪完全无感的我,回到全法最大滑雪度假村Val Thoren的唯一动力。The motivation for a ski-phobia like me to return to Val Thoren. 参与牛剑Varsity trip前往法国享受的一次滑雪之旅已经过去半年多了,而这家餐厅的记忆也自然而然随时间开始淡去。 “不行,不能忘,必须记录下来!”它给我带来的体验就是有这么优越。 于是,在这不尴不尬的时间点,胡编了一个“之最”的名号来赞美它。不想说得太绝对,毕竟我也没去过足够多的优秀餐厅。“学年最佳”,就一点也不假,完全可以甩心中的第二名13条街。 在短短的一周时间中,我们就...
Steve: 'Stay hungry, stay foolish.' Me: 'Eat well, don't be stupid.'