
Synthesis with enolate

Word count: 387Reading time: 2 min
2020/01/11 Share

A brief note on the use of enolates in syntheses.

Enolate alkylation

Condition overview

By electrophile

Electrophile type Conditions Note
Activated R-X Best with enamines
Tertiary R-X Lewis acid to form cation
, TMS enol ether one pot
Also if preferred

By enol(ate)

Enol(ate) type Conditions Note
Ketone, ester, carboxylic acid LDA, , THF
Nitro, nitrile , one pot with
phase separating conditions e.g.
Aldehydes Aza-enolate
1. , cat
2. LDA, , THF
Can’t use LDA directly
-dicarbonyl One-pot with . To remove, decarboxylate.
then to yield acid;
heat for ester.


For more substituted side,

Substrate Condition Note
Single carbonyls 1. ,
3. R-X
No need MeLi for Sn1 electrophiles.
Enones Dissolved metal - only alkylate at the conjugated side
1. ,
2. R-X
-dicarbonyl Alkylate in the middle twice, then decarboxylate.

For less substituted side,

Substrate Condition Note
Single carbonyls LDA Aza-enolate for aldehyde;
Change to TMS enol-ether if needed.
-dicarbonyl 1. Alkylate di-anion
2. Alkylate in the middle twice.
Activated R-X Enamine

Aldol reactions


  1. In acidic conditions, condensation product is usually given (via E1).
  2. For cross condensation, make sure
    1. Only 1 species enolisable,
    2. Electrophile is more electrophilic than enolisable carbonyl.


By electrophile

Non-enolisable groups next to the carbonyl:

  • H
  • tert-alkyl
  • tri-substituted
  • Ar
  • heteroatoms

For formaldehyde, Mannich reagent must be used.

By enolate

  • Nitro-compounds - not electrophilic, easily enolised.
  • Use SSE -
    • LDA
    • TMS enol ether: need catalyst, and work-up.
    • Conjugated Wittig reagent: (aka stabilised ylid) gives trans-alkene.
    • -dicarbonyl: one-pot mixture of weak base in weak acid buffer, e.g. , .
  • Special choices
Enolate Equivalent
Ester Zn enolate: no reactions with esters.
Aldehyde Aza-enolate instead of LDA.

Claisen reactions


Non-enolisable electrophile

Decreasing reactivity:



  • Li, Mg and Zn enolates as above all OK, except
    • Need aza-enolate for aldehydes
    • No BuLi with carboxylic acids - LDA OK
  • Enamine only reacts well with RCOCl
  • can be used for enolisation

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Published on:11th January 2020, 9:42 am

Updated on:9th June 2020, 3:21 pm

License:CC BY 4.0

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    1. 1. Enolate alkylation
      1. 1.1. Condition overview
        1. 1.1.1. By electrophile
        2. 1.1.2. By enol(ate)
        3. 1.1.3. Regioselectivity
    2. 2. Aldol reactions
      1. 2.1. Notes
      2. 2.2. Choices
        1. 2.2.1. By electrophile
        2. 2.2.2. By enolate
    3. 3. Claisen reactions
      1. 3.1. Choices
        1. 3.1.1. Non-enolisable electrophile
        2. 3.1.2. SSE