Just like functions take variables as arguments, functionals take functions as arguments.
In the following sections, the functional of the form
is considered.
Functional derivatives
If y is fixed on the boundary, the B.T is 0, then
and define the functional derivative to be
Stationary when , i.e.
This is the Euler Lagrange equation.
Special cases
No dependence on $y$
If , then is const.
No dependence on $x$ - First integral
If , use chain rule,
Use the EL equation
Relate to SL
Consider these two functionals
where the last line used integration by parts, and the boundary term is 0; and
Then, use the expression , and we get
Then consider
We have it. Extremizing is equivalent to being an eigenfunction, and the extremal values are eigenvalues.
Alternatively derived from Lagrange multipliers.
Variation principles
Fermat’s principle
Minimizes optical path length. (Or not so strictly minimizes the time taken.)
The OPD is defined with the refractive index , through
- If no question involves a path that does not double back, use one of the coordinates to parametrize.
- Requires the functional derivative w.r.t. the other coordinates to be 0.
Hamilton’s principle
The Lagrangian of a system is .
The action functional is
where s are general coordinates.
Hamilton’s principle is that the motion in configuration space extremizes the action functional .
The E-L equation becomes the Lagrange equation,
for all .
First integral
If , then
By considering .
Generally in this case, is a homogeneous quadratic in velocities, and does not depend on velocities, then,
i.e. Energy is conserved.
Constrained variation and Lagrange multipliers
Recall: , stationary points at .
Now the path is not free, but on a given , such that (line of const. ). Therefore it has to be that .
The question becomes to extremize without constraint a function
where the is a Lagrange multiplier. More generally, for functions,
And for functionals,
For an SL problem, suppose everything () is positive, then . There exists an absolute minimum in the extremal values .
Therefore, we have
for all satisfying B.C.s, and only equal if .
- Put into SL form
- Come up with a trial function, with parameters
- Compute and for the trail function
- Minimize w.r.t parameters
Then we have the best estimate of the eigenvalue and corresponding values of parameters with this trail function.