
Differential Equations

Word count: 560Reading time: 3 min
2019/04/04 Share

Key concepts

  1. Linear operator
  2. Homogeneous:
    • equation: no forcing, or, a multiple of a solution , is also a solution.
    • problem: in addition, also satisfies B.C.
  3. Boundary conditions
    • Dirichlet: the function value on the boundary is defined
    • Neumann: the normal derivative value on the boundary is defined


Homogeneous 2nd order equations

Independent solutions

Two solutions and are independent iff .

Then the general solutions is .


  • If two solutions are independent, then the Wronskian .
  • It is intrinsic to an ODE - depends only on .

Proof by considering .

The Wronskian can be used to find a second solution when we know one already.

Series solutions

The point about which to expand

  • Ordinary point if both and are analytical; singular point otherwise.
  • If and are analytical, then regular singular point.

About an ordinary point

Use a Taylor series

and then compare coefficients - we get

About a regular singular point

Fuchs’s theorem: at least one solution of the form

Match coefficients with this trail solution, when , we have:

Indicial equation: , where .

  • All is good when , we have two independent solutions
  • If , and , then the solution with will fail (e.g. infinite coefficient).
  • The second solution may be found by .

Inhomogeneous Problems: Green’s function

Green’s Functions: idea

Idea: (denote the linear PDE by ,) We can break up the forcing into infinite point source forcing . If we can find the Green’s function that satisfies

which corresponds to the response of the system due to each of the point source, then we can integrate the effects of these point sources,

to obtain the solution.

We can also understand it as the inverse operator of .

The methods depends highly on the boundary conditions given.

Aside: General functions

Functions that has an effect on other functions. Their own specific definition (eg values at discontinuities) is not important.

  • It is meaningless to multiply together two general functions with the same variable.

Heaviside step function

Top hat function


Dirac-Delta function

Has a sampling effect - when integrated, extract the value of a function at a certain point.

Note: the delta function itself could be defined smoothly, e.g. a Gaussian

D.E.s containing function - matching conditions


For and , the equation is homogeneous, hence we have the usual solution:

But as a 2nd order DE, we can only have 2 arbitrary constants. Integrate the orginal equation about the origin:

where we assumed is bounded. Hence the relations between and can be found.

Procedure of solving inhomogeneous PDE with Green’s Functions

  1. Find 2 independent homogeneous solutions, and .
  2. Work out the Wronskian
  1. Solve for by applying B.C. (same as for ) and jump condition.
  2. Integrate to find .

B.C. of initial value problems

The boundary conditions is of the form .

Suppose the problem is , subject to .

Then Greens function solves:

subject to .

Again, by integrating, must be continuous and the first derivative has a jump. At ,

Again, the equation is homogeneous when , so

Apply B.C.s:


Boundary value problem

Find complementary functions and satisfying the boundary conditions at and respectively. The Green’s function must be

with jump conditions and at .

By solving these, the Green’s function is

Sturm-Liouville theory

Inner product of functions

The inner product of two continuous functions and , on a range is

Generalise a little by introducing a weight function on .

The subscript can be omitted.

Self-adjoint and SL operator

The adjoint of a differential operator such that (after integration by parts,)

  • An operator is self-adjoint if , and the boudary terms are 0.

A Sturm-Liouville operator, defined on a range $$\alpha \leq x \leq \beta$ is of the form:

where and are real functions, and for .

Prove an SL operator is self-adjoint by integrating by part twice.

SL operators resembles Hermitian matrices, and they are useful because they have orthogonal eigenfunctions.

Into SL form

Any 2nd order ordinary differential operator can be put into a SL form.

Consider a general 2nd order operator

If this is a SL form, then

Compare and we have

Hence we can solve

Eigenvalues and eigenfunctions

Now if a solution satisfies the eigenvalue equation


We can prove the reality of eigenvalues and orthogonality of eigenfunctions by the same method as in matrices.

Eigenfunction expansion

Let be a set of orthonormal eigenfunctions, satisfying the b.c.s, of a self-adjoint operator, w.r.t. a weight function .

Any function satisfying b.c.s may be expressed as


Completeness relation

Using the above two statements

Hence we have the completeness relation, which defines the meaning of “having a complete set of funtions”.

Solutions of DEs

How can eigenfunction expansion be used to solve differential equations?

We have the problem

and we have the eigenfunctions

The Green’s function solutions is

If we make


  1. B.C.s are satisfied
  2. The point-source response if recoverd.

Note that this will fail if any of the eigenvalues is zero. But if is very small compared to others,

as long as is not too small.

Any forcing with non-zero component will cause a large “resonant” response.

Error and Paresval

If the expansion is truncated,

and define the error as

The partial derivatives

Of course the error is minimised when , i.e. untracated,

with the equality taking at the limit of ,


Laplace and Poisson’s equations

Physical origins

Poisson’s equation is


Keyword in questions is ‘steady state’.

Separation of variables

Laplace equation is linear in , so the superposition of any solutions is another solution. Separation of variables in orthogonal coordinates is a method to find basis solutions.

Laplace in Plane polar

The equation becomes

Still consider separable solutions , giving

Solve the two independent ODEs, with the B.C. that ,

The equation for can be solved by .

Therefore, the general solution is:

  1. Eliminate some constants by requiring finite values at or .
  2. If there is a barrier, there is no radial component of the flow (1st derivative).

Laplace in spherical polar (axisymmetric)

Axisymmetric means no dependence.

The Laplace equation is

Again, try separable solutions , then

Rearranging , with subsitution of ,

Therefore, , and .

Then the equation for is

Solve by .

Therefore, the general solution is:

Remember when is normalised as , the orthogonal relation is .

Uniqueness of solutions to Poisson’s equation

The key identity to use is the Divergence theorem and

Green’s function for Poisson’s equation

It is defined that the Green’s function satisfies:

Fundamental solution in 3D for Dirichlet

Proof required

The fundamental solution is when is all space. Wlog consider . We know is a function of only.

We know from the B.C at infinity; to determine C,

Because we can take as small as we like,

Hence, the fundamental solution is

Fundamental solution in 2D

Similar to above, we get

Note: divergence theorem in 2D is used.

Method of images

Construct solutions for different geometries from fundamental solutions.


Remove the plane and replace with a source at the image point

  • With the opposite sign for Dirichlet (0 potential at the boundary)
  • With the same sign for Neumann (0 normal derivative at the boundary; insulator)
Sphere (radius a) (Dirichlet)

Strength =


Circle (radius a) (Dirichlet)

Strength = -1


Remember .

Integral solution of Poisson’s equation

Consider this. Using (divergence theorem) and , we can obtain Green’s identity

Then, put in (with Dirichlet B.C.),


  • Can use this to solve Laplace - set to 0
  • If is all space, then need to make sure the surface integral does go to 0

For Neumann B.C.,

Still seems undoable. But if is all space, and the surface integral of is finite, then

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or via other methods.



Published on:4th April 2019, 5:33 pm

Updated on:9th June 2020, 3:23 pm

License:CC BY 4.0

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    1. 1. Key concepts
    2. 2. ODE
      1. 2.1. Homogeneous 2nd order equations
        1. 2.1.1. Independent solutions
        2. 2.1.2. Wronskian
        3. 2.1.3. Series solutions
          1. The point about which to expand
          2. About an ordinary point
          3. About a regular singular point
      2. 2.2. Inhomogeneous Problems: Green’s function
        1. 2.2.1. Green’s Functions: idea
        2. 2.2.2. Aside: General functions
          1. Heaviside step function
          2. Top hat function
          3. Dirac-Delta function
          4. D.E.s containing \delta function - matching conditions
        3. 2.2.3. Procedure of solving inhomogeneous PDE with Green’s Functions
        4. 2.2.4. B.C. of initial value problems
        5. 2.2.5. Boundary value problem
      3. 2.3. Sturm-Liouville theory
        1. 2.3.1. Inner product of functions
        2. 2.3.2. Self-adjoint and SL operator
          1. Into SL form
        3. 2.3.3. Eigenvalues and eigenfunctions
          1. Eigenfunction expansion
          2. Completeness relation
        4. 2.3.4. Solutions of DEs
        5. 2.3.5. Error and Paresval
    3. 3. PDE
      1. 3.1. Laplace and Poisson’s equations
        1. 3.1.1. Physical origins
        2. 3.1.2. Separation of variables
        3. 3.1.3. Laplace in Plane polar
        4. 3.1.4. Laplace in spherical polar (axisymmetric)
        5. 3.1.5. Uniqueness of solutions to Poisson’s equation
        6. 3.1.6. Green’s function for Poisson’s equation
          1. Fundamental solution in 3D for Dirichlet
          2. Fundamental solution in 2D
          3. Method of images
            1. Planes
            2. Sphere (radius a) (Dirichlet)
            3. Circle (radius a) (Dirichlet)
        7. 3.1.7. Integral solution of Poisson’s equation