
Matrix & Tensor

Word count: 1.4kReading time: 8 min
2019/03/30 Share


Vector space


  • A set of elements on which vector addition and scalar multiplication are defined
  • Closed under these operations
  • Includes identity for vector addition


  • 2D spaces , since has a single point of .


The set of all vectors that are linear combinations of any vectors of a set .

Linearly independent

None of the vectors is a linear combination of others, or


A set that spans and are linearly independent.

  • The number of elements is the dimension of .
  • Any vector can be expressed as a linear combination of the basis set in a unique way.
  • Can have infinite dimensions - e.g. Fourier series

Change of bases

Primed / unprimed opposite to lecture notes convention.

  • Idea: the same vector has different components in different bases.

where is the th component of in the unprimed basis, i.e.

Check by reversing the argument



Define the transformations

Sub in,

True iff , similarly, . Hence, inverse transform is represented by inverse matrix.

Transforming matrices

Linear Operation

Without reference to any bases.

Inner Product

  • Linear in 2nd argument
  • Anti-linear in 1st argument
  • Hermitian:
  • Positive-definite:

Inner Product and bases

  • Metric coefficient: , hermitian


Proof by considering , then choose appropriate phase of , so that is real and positive; appropriate length of .

Hermitian Conjugate

An operator is adjoint if .

Special square matrices

Type Relation
Real Symmetric
Real Antisymmetric

Special results

  1. If A is Hermitian then iA is anti-Hermitian
  2. if A is Hermitian then exp(iA) is unitary

c.f. real number


Two things to remember:

  1. Always find Eigenvalues first, by solving characteristic equation .
  2. Roots
    1. n distinct roots - n linearly independent vectors
    2. m repeated roots - may be 1 to m vectors corresponding to it, and any linear combinations of those are Eigenvectors.

Derivation of Eigenvalue, Eigenvector properties of special matrices.


Diagonalisation is also a similarity transformation, into the Eigenvector basis.

  • Only diagonalisable if the matrix has n independent eigenvectors.

Normal matrices can be diagonalised by unitary transformation. - Transformation between orthonormal bases is described by a unitary vector.

  • Tr and Det are most easily studied in the diagonal form, invariant under similarity transformations.


Quadratic form

Any homogeneous quadratic funtion is a quadratic form of a symmetric matrix.

By diagonalisation, we can get a with no cross-terms.

  • The eigenvectors of A defines the principal axes of the quadratic form.
  • Positive (semi-)definite means all eigenvalues are larger than (or equal to) 0.

Quadratic surface

  • Ellipsoids - same sign
  • Hyperboloids - different signs

  • - sphere

  • - revolution about z’ (axis of symmetry)
  • - conic section translated along z’

Hermitian Form

Similar idea for complex vector space.

Stationary property

Define Rayleigh quotient

  • is a scalar
  • When is eigenvector, is eigenvalue.


Eigenvalues of a matrix is the stationery values of the Rayleigh quotient.

Proof by considering .

Cartesian Tensor

Use the transformation matrix :

So the transformation law for a vector is (only this form makes sense for me…)

Definition in terms of transformation laws

Vector: a set of coefficents , defined wrt orthonormal basis , such that wrt another basis are given by .

Axial vectors:




Everything is checked by the transformation law above.

  • Delta is a 2nd order tensor
  • Epsilon is a 3rd order pseudo tensor
  • Inertia tensor:

Derive from the angular momentum definition.


  1. Addition
  2. Outer product
  3. Inner product (contraction)

Note: Cross-product is defined using the epsilon symbol, so any cross product is a pseudo-tensor.

  1. Symmetric and antisymmetric properties are invariant.
    • Contraction of symmetric & antisymmetric indices .

Proof by using symmetry properties once and relabel once.

Second-order tensors

Two new things

Antisymmetric (3D)

Only three degrees of freedom, hence can be represented by a vector.

The vector is a dual vector, defined by

Symmetric (3D)

Can be further decomposed, uniquely, into a traceless symmetric matrix and identity.

Isotropic tensors

Tensors or pseudo-tensors with the same components in all frames.

  • Scalars are isotropic
  • No non-zero rank 1 isotropic tensor
  • Rank 2 isotropic tensors are

Proof by (wlog) considering a rotation by z-axis and by y-axis.

  • Rank 3 isotropic tensors are
  • Rank 4 isotropic tensors are


  1. Since invariant, we can pick the most convenient frame (e.g eigenvector frame).
  2. Integrals

Integral 1

Relabel the integration variables as primed. Transform we find . But only isotropic rank 1 tensor is .

Integral 2

This is also isotropic, so .

Only need to do 1 integral.

Tensor fields

  • , with components , is a vector in Cartesian only.

One idea (maybe) new

  • The derivative of a second-order tensor is a rank 3 tensor field .

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Published on:30th March 2019, 4:19 pm

Updated on:9th June 2020, 3:24 pm

License:CC BY 4.0

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    1. 1. Matrices
      1. 1.1. Vector space
        1. 1.1.1. Definition
        2. 1.1.2. Span
        3. 1.1.3. Linearly independent
      2. 1.2. Basis
        1. 1.2.1. Change of bases
          1. Inverse
          2. Transforming matrices
      3. 1.3. Linear Operation
      4. 1.4. Inner Product
        1. 1.4.1. Inner Product and bases
        2. 1.4.2. Cauchy-Schwartz
      5. 1.5. Hermitian Conjugate
        1. 1.5.1. Special square matrices
        2. 1.5.2. Special results
      6. 1.6. Eigenvectors
        1. 1.6.1. Diagonalisation
      7. 1.7. Forms
        1. 1.7.1. Quadratic form
          1. Quadratic surface
        2. 1.7.2. Hermitian Form
      8. 1.8. Stationary property
        1. 1.8.1. Rayleigh-Ritz
    2. 2. Cartesian Tensor
      1. 2.1. Definition in terms of transformation laws
      2. 2.2. Examples
      3. 2.3. Operations
      4. 2.4. Second-order tensors
        1. 2.4.1. Antisymmetric (3D)
        2. 2.4.2. Symmetric (3D)
      5. 2.5. Isotropic tensors
        1. 2.5.1. Applications
          1. Integral 1
          2. Integral 2
      6. 2.6. Tensor fields